Tuesday 17 December 2013

Deadlines and instructions

Deadline for the "image rights" paper - This Thursday, 19th of December '13

 Deadline for uploading the video - 27th of January '13 Prepare the video and edit it. When we are back in school, we'll give you instructions on how to upload it.

 Questions to have in mind and keep in the dossier:

1.- Where are you going to record it?
2.- When are you going to record it?
3.- Create the interview script
4.- Create the sound script
5.- Create the technical script
6.- Decide which props you need and who is responsible to bring them to the recording
7.- Who is your camera man/woman? Which camera are you going to use?
8.- Who is going to edit your video and when?

You have a document in your blogs to remind you of how to make an interview

 ENJOY the experience. A good task can be interesting, well-done and fun.

Sunday 1 December 2013

Evaluating your Productions

Here you can see what we will watch and evaluate...

Evaluation sheet on blog productions.pdf by Ogroprofe

Sound Script

This will also help you...

Sound script by

Technical Script

You will need to plan your technical script for a professional production...

Technical script by

Explaining Vocabulary on Filming

You can start thinking what you want your productions to look like...

Film terminology by

Sample Interviews

Here are 3 interviews for you to watch. They will help you to prepare yours: Rhys Evans (Spike) Hugh Grant (William Thacker) Julia Roberts (Anna Scott)

Reading Notting Hill

So you have read Notting Hill, dear students. Did you like it?